Binance API Auto Import Instructions


This step-by-step guide is aimed to walk you through the process of setting up your Binance account to automatically import your trades to UltraTrader. Notably, we only support Futures markets at the moment and this allows for your trades to be synced without the need to manually enter them into our platform.

Step 1: Profile > Api Management

Sign in to your Binance account and click on your profile icon located in the top right corner. From the dropdown menu, select the option for API Management.

Binance API Management

Step 2: Create API

Click on ‘Create API’, then choose ‘System Generated’ for the API type. As for the API label, type in “UltraTrader”, and then hit the ‘Next’ button.

Choose Binance API Key Type

Step 3: Verify

Once done, you will need to confirm this step through an e-mail and 2FA verification code. Hit ‘Send’ to receive the email code, while the 2FA code can be retrieved from your chosen authenticator app. Once both codes have been entered, click ‘Submit’.

Step 4: Copy The ‘Api Key’ and ‘Secret Key’

Upon successful creation of your API, a banner will appear displaying your ‘API Key’ and ‘Secret Key’. Make sure to copy these, as you’ll be needing them in UltraTrader shortly.

Step 5: Paste your credentials in UltraTrader

In UltraTrader, you’ll need to assign an Account Name for the connected account. This is for your personal reference and can be changed later if needed. Next, paste the copied ‘API Key’ and ‘Secret Key’ into their respective fields. Once done, click on ‘Submit’. Congratulations! You have successfully linked your Binance account with UltraTrader.

And there you have it! Your Binance trades will now automatically be imported into UltraTrader, offering a seamless trading experience. By integrating Binance with UltraTrader, you can focus on refining your trading strategy while we take care of the administrative details. Happy trading!

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